Joining Daisy & Dukes
To join Daisy & Dukes please visit Join us and complete the online form. Once an application has been received we will aim to reply to you at our earliest convenience. We will only consider taking on a client if we honestly feel that we can get them work within the industry. The agency’s decision is final.

Daisy & Dukes likes to meet all children and teens from 4 years old from all over the UK. Our books open twice a year, once in the new year and once in the Summer and our auditions are on an invite only basis. There is no charge to attend our auditions. It is very important that we meet you so that we can get to know who we will be representing to the industry. We have to be sure that we are always sending the right client for the right job.
Casting happen around the UK. If you are based in London and the surrounding areas then you need to be sure you can be available for castings at very short notice and get into central London within 24 hours. If you are based in the North of the UK you need to ensure that you are within easy reach of casting venues in Manchester, Liverpool and Scotland.

We cover all types of work including TV, films, theatre, radio, commercials, corporate and photographic. Most jobs will take place during the working week and depending on the type of job will depend on how much time is required. On commercials shoots, parents / legal guardians will be required to chaperone. If the job requires longer commitment, then the production may supply a licensed chaperone. If you are 16 years or older then you will be regarded as an adult and will not require a chaperone. Unfortunately there is no guarantee of work. Whilst we have connections with industry professionals we do not know what will come into the office on a daily basis. If an agency guarantees you work, then you should steer completely clear! We will put clients forward for castings/bookings that come in as long as they meet the criteria. It’s worth noting that if you are not happy with your child missing education or your school is not supportive then joining an agency is not for you.
We do not charge a registration fee in compliance with the BIS regulations. However, it is compulsory that all of our clients have an agency photo shoot at least once a year with our approved agency photographers. These shoots are charged, but at we believe, a very reasonable rate. If accepted onto the agency you will be given more information on this.

Instead of charging a registration fee Daisy & Dukes receive commission on all fees except expenses. Our commission rates vary from 15% to 25% + VAT.
It’s important to show the children to their best potential and our photographers ensure that the style of photography on our website stays uniform and to a high standard. Parents are more than welcome to send in additional headshots that they have arranged themselves and these will be kept on file should casting professionals wish to view them, however these headshots will not be featured on the website.

Sole agents
Daisy & Dukes is a sole agency, unfortunately you cannot be with another agency whilst represented by us.

Child performance licenses
The Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014 requires all children under the statutory school leaving age, even babies, to obtain a license from their local authority. There are just a few exceptions but if a child will miss school for performances they must have a license. A performance covers a stage show, TV programmes, radio and commercials, films and modelling assignments. A child needs to have their license before the performance takes place. The law requests 21 days to process a license application but most local authorities request at least 7 working days before the first performance. A child does not need a license once they are past the official school-leaving age, i.e. after the last Friday in June of the school year in which they are 16 (Year 11).
Daisy & Dukes are a Spotlight approved agent. Spotlight Children and Young Performers directory is the UK’s definitive database of performers aged 4 – 25. It is the best way for any young performer to promote themselves to casting opportunities. Children can join any time after their 4th birthday. Only children who are represented by an agent are eligible for Spotlight membership, which is why they are the casting community's most trusted database of young performers. We strongly advise all of our clients to join Spotlight. It costs an annual fee of £100 (inc. VAT) plus a small agency admin fee. This additional cost is another reason why our annual agency photoshoot fee is kept to a minimum. Access to Spotlight's online database is only available to vetted industry professionals.

Image credits:
Matilda the Musical: Manuel Harlan (Photographer)
Schuh: Roar Creativity (Creative) Jonny Storey (Photographer)